Friday 29 August 2008

Weather And Climate Leaders Urge Washington To Better Protect US

�Eight stellar professional organizations in the field of weather and climate have called on the future administration and Congress to better protect the United States from severe brave out and clime change. They issued cinque recommendations to reverse declining budgets and provide requisite tools, information, and leadership to decision makers. The recommendations and supporting information have been provided to the presidential campaigns of John McCain and Barack Obama.

The United States sustains billions of dollars in losses every year from disasters related to weather and climate, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, forest fires, floods, droughts, and coke storms, the transition papers states. This year lone, the country has been battered by a phonograph record number of tornadoes, knockout floods, and wildfires.

"With more than a quarter of the U.S. gross national product (over $2 one million million million) sensitive to weather and climate events, these events substantially wallop our national health, refuge, economy, environment, transportation systems, and military readiness," the document states. "All 50 states ar impacted by these events, and many of these events will be exacerbated by climate change."

The ashcan School organizations that wrote the document ar the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, the American Meteorological Society, the American Geophysical Union, the Weather Coalition, the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, the Consortium for Ocean Leadership, and the Alliance for Earth Observations. Collectively they represent thousands of scientists, engineering science specialists, public policy analysts, and other experts.

"Our worry is that our nation is non prepared for severe weather or mood change because of declining budgets and lack of attention to these threats over the past few years," says UCAR vice president Jack Fellows. "We should ameliorate our power to reply to severe weather events and prepare for the impacts of climate change that will undoubtedly occur over the next several decades. Decision makers need information on how climate change will affect their local areas, but we are hampered by a lack of funding, observations, and calculation power to provide data at this local level."

The document's five-spot recommendations ar:
Observations. Fully fund the nation's Earth observing arrangement from planet and ground-based instruments as recommended by the National Research Council.

Computing. Greatly increase computing power available for weather and clime research, predictions, and related applications.

Research and Modeling. Support a broad central and applied research broadcast in Earth sciences and related fields to go on present discernment of weather and mood and their impacts on society.

Societal Relevance. Support education, grooming, and communicating efforts to use the observations, models, and application tools for the upper limit benefit to society.

Leadership and Management. Implement in force leadership, management, and evaluation approaches to ensure these investments are done in the c. H. Best interest of the state.

The plan is estimated to price roughly $9 billion above the stream federal investments being planned for 2010-2014. The entire transition document, "Making Our Nation Resilient to Severe Weather and Climate Change," can be found at offset tomorrow. It provides detailed implementation direction, including specific management actions, budget estimates, and recommendations for nominations of leaders to dish out in the next administration.

"Given the costs of endure and climate disasters, we believe these are impudent and critical investments," says John Snow, co-chair of the Weather Coalition and dean of the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences at the University of Oklahoma.

The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research is a pool of more than than 70 universities offer Ph.D.s in the atmospheric and related sciences. UCAR manages the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the UCAR Office of Programs to provide member institutions and other affiliates with state of the art instrumentation, aircraft, and calculator technology to advance the study of Earth's atmosphere.

Source: David Hosansky

National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

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